Aloe Vera on the road to Unpleasant Reflux

There are many techniques to treat this common disease, but a majority of people are finding success with natural aloe-vera for heartburn or acid reflux. As it is likely you know, aloe has often been a trendy remedy for treating burns and …

Aloe Vera Juice Heals and Soothes Like No Other Plant Extract

You already know that natural aloe vera is a great herbal remedy. You've probably put aloe on a sunburn at least one time in your life. You might have also put on the extender to treat wounds or fight against fungi or bacteria and also to …

The Amazing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

From 300 different types of aloe Vera, merely one is used for medical purposes - Aloe Barbadensis Miller. Over 200 scientific tests undoubtedly proved the value of this herb in promoting human health. Natural Aloe Vera contains: calcium, m…